In groups they were set the task to write their own versions of the story. First they brainstormed who the main character would be and then what creatures they would swallow. They each wrote and illustrated a chapter. I was rather pleased with their efforts. Once again they are in the library on display..pop in and have a read. I even star in the one groups story!!
On Monday it was my class' turn to say our poem to the Speech and Drama adjudicator. I cant wait to see what the results.. as they were amazing!
Board Games
Today children spend most of their free time playing individual games on tablets or computers. I thought it would be great to show them how much good 'old fashioned' board and card games could be. So on Monday, in groups, we played games like..monopoly, 30 seconds, scrabble, dominoes, uno, and pick up sticks.
It was so great to see how much fun the children had. In fact when I walked into class this morning, the early birds had already organised themselves around some of the games and were happily playing.. what a joy to see.
Today we allowed Miss Kinlochs class to join us...hopefully we have inspired the children to go home and get their families to play too...families who play together,stay together!