Grade Two was abuzz with excitement as Baby Day arrived last Friday. Some brave children dressed as babies but most brought something that either dated back to their own baby days or belonged to a sibling.
To start our day, we were fortunate to have real live babies pay us a visit. Aryiana's mom brought her housekeepers 10 month old baby boy and Zahra's mom brought her 11 month old sister. They told us all about their babies...what they ate, how often they sleep, what they can do etc. It was interesting for us to be able compare what each baby could do.
We loved their matching oufits! |
Essie showed us how well he could crawl |
Nabila loved reading her book to us! |
How do you do? |
Once the babies left, it was the turn of our 'big babies' to show what they had brought!
Theolan wore a bib that he had as a baby Ariyana borrowed a hat from her cousin. |
Caitlin really played the part! She brought her her favourite 'blankie' and soft toy from when she was a baby, as well as a bottle. |
Bhavan brought a rattle that he used to play with. Akhil brought his favourite bath toy that he still plays with today! |
Shaavan loved sucking his dummy! |
Shristhi brought a bottle and bowl that she used to use. Arushi enjoyed showing us her bib and dummy |
AKhani and Onyi with their bottles! |
Molemo and Kiara brought their babies! |
Bailey brought a whole packet of things..bottle, book, blanket, baby spoon ...! |
We then had great fun guessing who the baby photos belonged to. Some were so easy to guess, others were nearly impossible!
After break it was time to make baby food....
cauliflower |
butternut |
Avo |
sweet potato |
pears |
potato |
peas |
banana |
Once it was all mashed, each child had to close their eyes and guess the food. Some were really worried that they would get their least favourite food to sample! I am pleased to say that almost everyone participated! 
Then it was time to taste everything and vote on their favourite and least favourite food. Some children really enjoyed sampling the food while others did it with 'long teeth'. Potato was the winner with 9 votes, avo the second favourite with 3 votes. The least favourite foods proved to be cauliflower with 7 votes and avo 5!
Everyone unanimously agreed that they were very glad that they did not have to only eat mashed any more!