
Friday, 26 October 2012

Firework poems

In the first chapter of "The owl who was afraid of the Dark" the little boy told Plop that dark is exciting especially when there are fireworks!

So yesterday both grade 2 classes joined together to create some firework poems. We started by watching clips of fireworks and then we listened to sounds they make as they explode. Both Gill and I were so impressed with the lovely ideas that they came up with.

Once we had written down a whole lot of ideas, we went into a darkened room to light sparklers. The children had so much fun! 

We mixed our classes into groups of two and three. Each group wrote poems, we were delighted with the results.

Monday, 22 October 2012

Group work - Owl Teachbacks

Reading through the information
On Friday, my class was placed in groups. Each group was given a sheet of information on a specific owl, they had to read through the information, classify it into headings like appearance, habitat, diet and interesting facts. 
Organising information

Once they had gathered all the information, they displayed it on a chart and then each group had to present what they had learnt to the class. 

I was most impressed at how well they worked in groups and how confidently they each presented their share of the information.

Saturday, 13 October 2012

The Menageries pays us a visit

This term we will be reading the book 'The Owl who was afraid of the Dark'. To start the term we have been learning about owls. This week the children made little "owl facts' booklets that we have displayed in the classroom.

We invited the Menagerie to visit us on Friday as they have three owls in their collection.

It was great to get up close to the owls and see their sharp claws,  hidden ears, big eyes etc, everything that we had learned about was there to be seen. 

The owls have all been injured and cannot be sent back into the wild. Instead they do their bit to educate school children. They are very tame and did not mind being touched by a group of excited children!

Not only did we learn about owls, but we got up close and personal with a frog,a very cute rabbit, a tortoise, a terrapin, two puppies, a snake and two cute kids!

Not everybody wanted to touch every animal! But we had great fun anyway, even if it was to look from afar!

Tuesday, 9 October 2012

Fun 'times' on the beach.

On Thursday, 27 September we swapped the classroom for the beach! We thought that it would be a fun way to introduce multiplication. 

To start the children had to arrange themselves into groups according to the given instructions. We discussed these various groupings and the sums that we could make.

After that each child was given a 'times' sum and using their bucket and spade, had to physically make it.

Bigger sums were worked on in groups. It was a fun and meaningful way to learn. 

To finish off the hard days work, we all had a dip in the sea!