
Wednesday, 30 January 2019

Our first brag bracelet owners.

Well done to these children for earning their 'awesome attitude' brag bracelets in assembly this week. I am so proud of you

Friday, 25 January 2019

25 February:- International Opposite day

Today we had lots of fun trying to do and say everything oppositely. it was quite a challenge. 

Mr. Whillier and his class!
I couldn't wait to see how everyone came dressed. I was dying to see if my class had accepted the challenge of dressing as the opposite sex! Dharshan was the bravest of the boys, arriving in a dress. The other boys tried and wore something 'girly'. Carter refused but came in his pyjamas ready for bed instead of school!

The girls!
 Its always easier for the girls - they made wonderful boys!
The boys

Prian wore everything inside out and
 back to front

Carter ready for bed!

We even swopped teachers for a while!

There is no way you can sit on a chair on opposite day!

We practiced our spelling, but had to use capital letters.

We did a number of other activities, ending by writing sentences opposite to what the picture showed.

Wednesday, 23 January 2019

International measure your feet day

We had great fun comparing and measuring our feet today. It was interesting to see that the tallest person didn't
 necessarily have the longest feet.

We drew around out each others feet, cut out the outline and then measured the length of our feet. 
We have displayed them at the back of the class smallest to biggest. Quite a difference between the size of Carter's (the smallest) and Busani's feet (the biggest)!


Monday, 21 January 2019

Winnie the Pooh Day

Last Friday it was international Winnie the Pooh day. Our classes came dressed either as a character from the popular stories or in the colours of Winnie the Pooh. 

We did a map work activity where the children had to negotiate around 100 acre wood, using the points of the compass. 

We went onto the red square first to do practical activities before completing a worksheet in our books. 

Thursday, 17 January 2019

Welcome to Grade 2 2019

It was wonderful to meet my new class and their parents on Tuesday. I am looking forward to a happy, positive year together.