
Sunday, 19 April 2015

Around the world in Term 2

This week saw the start of our new Around the World theme. We began by looking at the map of the world and learning about the continents,seas, hemispheres and the compass points. The grade 4's lent us their atlas'.. the children had so much fun looking at the different types of maps.

In two weeks time, it will be book week and all classes will be required choose a book to decorate their doors. Megan and I decided to link our door decoration to our theme. I chose The Atlas. We had great fun putting it all together, it really looks great.

I grouped my class according to the continents. We will sit in these groups for a while this term. On Friday we made a class map. Each group used crepe paper which they rolled into balls (a great OT exercise) and stuck on their particular continent. Once complete we assembled the really looks effective and has helped the children to learn and remember the layout of the world map.
North America

South America





Almost done!

The completed map
On Monday we begin the first leg of our round the world this space...

Wednesday, 1 April 2015

Beach maths

Today was a stunning day on the beach, fortunately we had a breeze, otherwise we would have baked!
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We started our day with counting..each child had to make a group of 2 sandballs, then 5, 10 etc - we counted them as a group. We wrote these numbers in the sand, as well as what is ten more, less, what comes before etc.

Next we did grouping, first physically - the children had to group themselves - eg into 5's. By doing this we discovered how many groups of 5 are in 30 etc. We did a number of grouping combinations.

We then moved into groups of three. Each group had to make different groups of sand balls according to given instructions and a sum for each. It was an excellent way to introduce times and the children had fun whilst they learnt.

Once the learning was done, it was time for our party food and a dip in the sea. It was a great way for us to spend time with Caitlin before she leaves. We are going to miss you very much Caitlin, but wish you all the best for your new school

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