
Wednesday, 30 October 2013

Halloween, fancy dress.

Today some very scary children arrived at school, dressed in all manner of strange outfits. Here are some pictures I took of them. I took the photos in comic mode on my camera, some children look even




Senthen hiding behind this very scary mask!


Mikhaeel our Karate Star

Over the weekend Mikhaeel won a silver medal for Karate. This morning in assembly Mrs Peens handed him his medal. Well done Mik, we are very proud of you!

Yes it really is Mrs Peens!
It was a fancy dress, civvies
day for Halloween!
Well done!

Monday, 28 October 2013

Amazon Jungle...our next destination!

After a long flight we eventually 
landed in our new destination...the Amazon Jungle!! We had planned a tour of the rain forest, but it seemed that the weather Gods were against us. 

Both classes got together to find 
out exactly where the Amazon Jungle was. Gill showed them on her map and told them a little about some of the species that are found there.

Fortunately after our first break there was a break in the rain and were able to set off to explore! The children had all come armed with walking shoes, walking sticks, binoculars and even some sunscreen.

We discussed where in what type of area we
were likely to see each of the animals
Everyone was so excited. We set off to walk to the 'jungle' at the university nature trail. We had prepared a checklist of animals that the children had to look our for. They played along so nicely, spotting all sorts of animals!
Off we go..keep your eyes peeled!

We could eat the fruit from the bread fruit tree.

Can you hear it the Spider Monkey?

A sloth! A sloth!

Watch out for the Anaconda!

Two intrepid explorers!

Zeenatha and Alka can see the Hapi Eagle!

A good example of the
different levels of
vegetation in the forest.

A real live toad in a hole!

Ebrahim couldn't bear to look!

We conquered the jungle!

A beautiful mushroom after the
After our exciting adventure we returned back to school. This learning experience really helped the children to formulate an idea of what the jungle could be like. They are very eager to learn more!


Super Squid

Last week we read another book of Gill Eggleton's, called the Super Squid. It dealt with the crew of Sub DD who go diving into the Midnight Zone to learn about the super squid. On their way they encounter a number of different sea creatures that live in the depths of the ocean.
By way of introduction we showed the children a PowerPoint to help them understand what is found under the ocean, and how deep it is. They were totally fascinated with the different levels. Especially with the Twilight Zone and the Midnight Zone.

This story lent itself well to measurement. So armed with a worksheet of the sizes of the different fish from the story we headed into the parking area outside the Red Square to measure out the sizes of the Sperm Whale, Super Squid, Hammerhead Shark, Sub DD and the Fangtooth Fish.

Ebrahim makes sure that the Trundle wheel is in
the correct starting place.

Keshav labels the measurement of the Sperm
Whale. The children could get over how large
it was.

Aariv drawing the line that joins the beginning
and end of his groups measurement.

Hard at work. It was fortunate that the coke truck
was delivering at this time. When we measured the length
it was shorter than the Sperm Whale. Standing next to it
and looking up. We were able to get a real feel
of how big the Whale actually was.

Alka, Adrian and Aruna, carefully counting the 'clicks'
on the trundle wheel.

Using a ruler to measure the size of the Fangtooth Fish.

It was so much fun!

This practical application was really meaningful and gave the children a clear idea of how big the creatures in the story were.